Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dude Spice

Whats Up!!!

So yesterdays initial post went Bitchin'!!!! Thank You for all the support Dudes!!!( And even Dudettes!!!!)
Anyway on to the stuff that your craving!

This post is going to be a guideline; with very blurry guidelines... on how to make a cornerstone of my cooking. We're going to making your very own batch of Dude Spice. You are going to be using this stuff on everything!! Like how you use hot sauce, except you made this shit!! It's easy and just takes a minute to create to keep your taste buds high fiven' and mouth waterin' with almost any meal.

Dudes need to have:
__ 1 part ground black pepper
__ 2 parts salt
__ 1/8 part ground garlic
__ 1/8 part ground onion
__ a hint (just a pinch of cinnamon)
__ cayenne pepper to taste

Ok, so now you got your stuff together. I like to save, when I'm done with, the containers that my spices came in for stuff like this. They are perfect! They have the shaker lids that close and seal well enough for storing spices.

 Warning; Dudes.... I know that sometimes I like to be a little thrifty with these spice jars, but word to the wise in regards to grinders; if they are not meant to be refiled please don't try to open them. I have cut my hands pretty bad trying to, hopefully I have spilled enough blood for the both us.

Your next step after getting it all together is simply to mix it! Do not be afraid to add or take away from this at all, my taste buds like it this way. Besides you are probably already coming up with something epic and clever to add.

Happy Cookin' Dudes!

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