Alright Dudes and Dudettes of the fine art of cookin' this is a new year, and with this new year I am going to be dedicating more time to COOKIN' and to YOU my loyal followers!! I have some good recipes comin' that will make the old ones tremble!! I got some spicy, juicy, and flavorful batches of mouth watering, and belly filling goodness coming to a plate near you made by you and in your kitchen!! So keep your eyes peeled, forks ready, and stomachs growling for some wholesome goodness!!
Dude Cookin'
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Moms would be proud
What's Up!!!!
Hello again Dudes, back for a little more direction in the home cookin, arena? Hell Yeah, so as promised in my first post a little something to impress Mom. Now the way I see it, Moms are the inspiration to cooks everywhere. They are the beginning of the little spark that's ignited as little children to some day get hot enough to have the want to cook on there own, and be proud of that cooking. And to maybe excell in such a fine art.
So today I want to thank Moms everywhere with a recipe that would make them proud; hand made in a kitchen by their little dudes and dudettes, no matter their age!!
Dudes need to have:

__ pre-heat oven to about 475-500 degrees
__ some chicken( I used 3 or 4 lbs. of chicken thigh)
__ olive oil
__ salt & pepper (to your taste)
__ Italian seasoning (any brand will do)
__ and a little Dude Spice
So you wanna make your mother proud?? Well this might just do the trick!
To get things started you want a 8x12 rectangle pan. Drizzle the olive oil all over the bottom of the pan and sprinkle some salt, pepper, and italian seasoning on the bottom. it doesnt have to completely coat the bottom because the chicken is going to release a lot of it own juices.
After that put the chicken in the pan.
Hello again Dudes, back for a little more direction in the home cookin, arena? Hell Yeah, so as promised in my first post a little something to impress Mom. Now the way I see it, Moms are the inspiration to cooks everywhere. They are the beginning of the little spark that's ignited as little children to some day get hot enough to have the want to cook on there own, and be proud of that cooking. And to maybe excell in such a fine art.
So today I want to thank Moms everywhere with a recipe that would make them proud; hand made in a kitchen by their little dudes and dudettes, no matter their age!!
Dudes need to have:

__ pre-heat oven to about 475-500 degrees
__ some chicken( I used 3 or 4 lbs. of chicken thigh)
__ olive oil
__ salt & pepper (to your taste)
__ Italian seasoning (any brand will do)
__ and a little Dude Spice
So you wanna make your mother proud?? Well this might just do the trick!
To get things started you want a 8x12 rectangle pan. Drizzle the olive oil all over the bottom of the pan and sprinkle some salt, pepper, and italian seasoning on the bottom. it doesnt have to completely coat the bottom because the chicken is going to release a lot of it own juices.
After that put the chicken in the pan.
Sprinkle a little more salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning, and Dude Spice on the top of all the chicken.
By now the oven should be pretty hot, I bake mine at 475-500 for about 40 mins give or take. You want to make sure the internal temp is 165 deg. as this temp has been deemed safe by the health dept.
And lastly, with this dish you can add soo many different sides, I served mine with a cream of mushroom rice side that's one of my favorites. Or really what ever might be your fancy! Baked potatoes, pasta (alfredo?), or just plain veggies! Mom is gonna shit a brick with this one and be so proud she could just kiss you!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Easy Breakfast Enchiladas
And now a little something for you to use your new found Dude Spice on! You didn't think I was going to leave you hangin' did you? Belly grumblin' and all....
Easy Breakfast Enchiladas- Dude Style
These tasty little guys are my rendition of the very classic Breakfast burrito, but in an enchilada style dish.
In this form its still easy "to-go", and can be saved for lunch or a quick snack later in the day. easy to reheat, even in a microwave, as the corn tortillas definitely have your back in helping to to keep your food moist and delicious throughout the day. this recipe is going to be for a quick Breakfast or Snack; you can always use some Dude logic to multiply these little guys; by doubling up on the ingredients.
Dudes need to have:
__ 6- large eggs
__ 2- corn tortillas (you can sub. two of the taco size flour tortillas and make super fast breakfast burros)
__ 1 cup- of cheese of choice (give or take)
__ 1/2lb. of lean ground beef (leaner is faster = less draining of grease)
__ a bottle of your favorite salsa or hot sauce
__ and last but not least Dude spice
First things first; since I'm using stainless steel I got the corn tortillas ready first. I like to deep fry them to soften them up; but you only need to deep fry them for about 30-45 seconds. You dont want to make them hard or you won't be able to roll them. After thats all done, drain almost all of the oil that was in the pan. I tend to save mine so that it can be used later if it's not too dirty or cloudy.
Next I brown the ground beef, and add some Dude Spice (as much as you think your gonna like) . but you only need to brown till the pink uncooked meat disappears.
Then I add the eggs, and scramble. You could definitely throw some more Dude Spice on at this point too, don't be afraid to be liberal with it!
Once thats all scrambled up and dudeified, take a second to breath in the smells of your latest creation!
Put it all together and you got your self a real dudes breakfast that can satisfy even a Lumberjack!
Don't forget there a multiple variations you can enjoy of this, the possibilities are almost endless!
Happy Cookin' Dudes!!
Easy Breakfast Enchiladas- Dude Style
These tasty little guys are my rendition of the very classic Breakfast burrito, but in an enchilada style dish.
In this form its still easy "to-go", and can be saved for lunch or a quick snack later in the day. easy to reheat, even in a microwave, as the corn tortillas definitely have your back in helping to to keep your food moist and delicious throughout the day. this recipe is going to be for a quick Breakfast or Snack; you can always use some Dude logic to multiply these little guys; by doubling up on the ingredients.
Dudes need to have:
__ 6- large eggs
__ 2- corn tortillas (you can sub. two of the taco size flour tortillas and make super fast breakfast burros)
__ 1 cup- of cheese of choice (give or take)
__ 1/2lb. of lean ground beef (leaner is faster = less draining of grease)
__ a bottle of your favorite salsa or hot sauce
__ and last but not least Dude spice
First things first; since I'm using stainless steel I got the corn tortillas ready first. I like to deep fry them to soften them up; but you only need to deep fry them for about 30-45 seconds. You dont want to make them hard or you won't be able to roll them. After thats all done, drain almost all of the oil that was in the pan. I tend to save mine so that it can be used later if it's not too dirty or cloudy.
Next I brown the ground beef, and add some Dude Spice (as much as you think your gonna like) . but you only need to brown till the pink uncooked meat disappears.
Then I add the eggs, and scramble. You could definitely throw some more Dude Spice on at this point too, don't be afraid to be liberal with it!
Once thats all scrambled up and dudeified, take a second to breath in the smells of your latest creation!
Put it all together and you got your self a real dudes breakfast that can satisfy even a Lumberjack!
Don't forget there a multiple variations you can enjoy of this, the possibilities are almost endless!
Happy Cookin' Dudes!!
Dude Spice
Whats Up!!!
So yesterdays initial post went Bitchin'!!!! Thank You for all the support Dudes!!!( And even Dudettes!!!!)
Anyway on to the stuff that your craving!
This post is going to be a guideline; with very blurry guidelines... on how to make a cornerstone of my cooking. We're going to making your very own batch of Dude Spice. You are going to be using this stuff on everything!! Like how you use hot sauce, except you made this shit!! It's easy and just takes a minute to create to keep your taste buds high fiven' and mouth waterin' with almost any meal.
Dudes need to have:
__ 1 part ground black pepper
__ 2 parts salt
__ 1/8 part ground garlic
__ 1/8 part ground onion
__ a hint (just a pinch of cinnamon)
__ cayenne pepper to taste
Ok, so now you got your stuff together. I like to save, when I'm done with, the containers that my spices came in for stuff like this. They are perfect! They have the shaker lids that close and seal well enough for storing spices.
Warning; Dudes.... I know that sometimes I like to be a little thrifty with these spice jars, but word to the wise in regards to grinders; if they are not meant to be refiled please don't try to open them. I have cut my hands pretty bad trying to, hopefully I have spilled enough blood for the both us.
Your next step after getting it all together is simply to mix it! Do not be afraid to add or take away from this at all, my taste buds like it this way. Besides you are probably already coming up with something epic and clever to add.
Happy Cookin' Dudes!
So yesterdays initial post went Bitchin'!!!! Thank You for all the support Dudes!!!( And even Dudettes!!!!)
Anyway on to the stuff that your craving!
This post is going to be a guideline; with very blurry guidelines... on how to make a cornerstone of my cooking. We're going to making your very own batch of Dude Spice. You are going to be using this stuff on everything!! Like how you use hot sauce, except you made this shit!! It's easy and just takes a minute to create to keep your taste buds high fiven' and mouth waterin' with almost any meal.
Dudes need to have:
__ 1 part ground black pepper
__ 2 parts salt
__ 1/8 part ground garlic
__ 1/8 part ground onion
__ a hint (just a pinch of cinnamon)
__ cayenne pepper to taste
Ok, so now you got your stuff together. I like to save, when I'm done with, the containers that my spices came in for stuff like this. They are perfect! They have the shaker lids that close and seal well enough for storing spices.
Warning; Dudes.... I know that sometimes I like to be a little thrifty with these spice jars, but word to the wise in regards to grinders; if they are not meant to be refiled please don't try to open them. I have cut my hands pretty bad trying to, hopefully I have spilled enough blood for the both us.
Your next step after getting it all together is simply to mix it! Do not be afraid to add or take away from this at all, my taste buds like it this way. Besides you are probably already coming up with something epic and clever to add.
Happy Cookin' Dudes!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Lets Cook Some Shit Dude Style!!
Whats Up!!
My name is Joe, and I happen to be the main cook in my house. Hopefully I can help more dudes out there to become much better cooks with my blog. I'm going to be covering a type of easy, cheap, and tasty cooking that i like to call Dude cooking! I'm going to be covering quick and easy meals for one, stuff to impress the ladies, BBQ techniques to impress your friends, and some decent meals to impress your mother.
One thing that I am not is a baker.
In my recipes there is going to be a lot of "season to taste" and "put in about this much". I'm a Dude Cooking.... I dont need instructions to put shit together, nor maps or advice from strangers to get me where I'm going. I wont insult you and please dont insult me. What I am going to include is pictures and detailed descriptions of how I accomplish my entree's to the best of my ability. Cooking should be as free as a real Dude living off the land.
Speaking of baking, since I'm not a baker, and I'm sure most of you are not either, we will go ahead and give it shot. It wont be my main focus, as it's too confining of an art for my taste. Now that being said these recipes are definitly not going to include pretty pink cupcakes. Maybe more along the lines of a shepards pie, or some F'n badass chocolate chip cookies to throw your blood suger through the roof!!
One more thing I would like to include in this first post, is that I also support other Dudes Cookin' and I will try my best to include as many of their recipes as explained by them as guests as possible. I happen to know of a lot of Dudes that are excellent cooks in there spare time and have recipes that blow up my taste buds all the time!
Happy Cookin' Dudes!!
My name is Joe, and I happen to be the main cook in my house. Hopefully I can help more dudes out there to become much better cooks with my blog. I'm going to be covering a type of easy, cheap, and tasty cooking that i like to call Dude cooking! I'm going to be covering quick and easy meals for one, stuff to impress the ladies, BBQ techniques to impress your friends, and some decent meals to impress your mother.
One thing that I am not is a baker.
In my recipes there is going to be a lot of "season to taste" and "put in about this much". I'm a Dude Cooking.... I dont need instructions to put shit together, nor maps or advice from strangers to get me where I'm going. I wont insult you and please dont insult me. What I am going to include is pictures and detailed descriptions of how I accomplish my entree's to the best of my ability. Cooking should be as free as a real Dude living off the land.
Speaking of baking, since I'm not a baker, and I'm sure most of you are not either, we will go ahead and give it shot. It wont be my main focus, as it's too confining of an art for my taste. Now that being said these recipes are definitly not going to include pretty pink cupcakes. Maybe more along the lines of a shepards pie, or some F'n badass chocolate chip cookies to throw your blood suger through the roof!!
One more thing I would like to include in this first post, is that I also support other Dudes Cookin' and I will try my best to include as many of their recipes as explained by them as guests as possible. I happen to know of a lot of Dudes that are excellent cooks in there spare time and have recipes that blow up my taste buds all the time!
Happy Cookin' Dudes!!
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